Pick Pack Manual Order Selection

How to use the Pick Pack Manual Selection screen

Nicholas Christou avatar
Written by Nicholas Christou
Updated over a week ago

In cases where the majority of orders require manual intervention before transmission, or it is difficult to define a specific ruleset as to when orders should be sent to the warehouse, it may be more beneficial to have a partial implementation of PickPack, with manually selected orders.

The key difference between this and the standard auto process, is that rather than a window being defined based on needbydate, warehouse config, etc. a selection of orders is instead processed via user selection from a screen. Orders selected will be processed in order of priority (when multiple are selected), and a stock check still runs.

The PickPack Manual Selection screen replaces the PickPack Queue Review and PickPack Orders Selection screens used in the full auto process. Other screens such as the CloseLines, Stock Review and the Sent To Warehouse will still apply.

How to use

The two lefthand fields are used to perform the functions, ‘Pick’ and ‘Emergency’. One or multiple orders can be selected for both functions, and this will invoke when clicking Save.

· Pick – Performs the stock allocation and SendToWhse WITH hold and stock checks, orders highlight green if pick was successful or red on stockout/exception.

· Emergency – Performs stock allocation and SendToWhse bypassing checks, this guarantees the order transmits even during stock out.

· If there is a mixture of Emergency and Pick boxes when hitting save, the Emergency function will complete first (therefore prioritising stock for these orders).

· If the same order has both the Emergency and the Pick box selected, the order will be processed via Emergency.

· If order is on either hold, or credit hold/aging hold with no override, then this will not process via the Pick process until the hold is removed. The yellow highlight will be removed when either the hold is removed or override applied.

Emergency Process:

When the Emergency Process has run, an informational message with the number of orders processed will display. When hitting ok the orders will highlight green.

Pick Process:

When the pick process completes, an informational message will display with the results for each ordernum.

If orders are successfully picked, the rows will highlight green when hitting OK.

If orders fail to pick, the specific reason code will be listed in the informational message (eg. stock out).

The row will then highlight Red when hitting Ok.

Order recall:

If an order is picked/transmitted in error, this can still be recalled from the Sent To Warehouse screen:

Row Highlight Summary

· Green: Order picked and staged to send (SendToWhse ticked)

· Yellow: Order on hold and will be skipped over when picking

· Red: Picking exception

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