PickPack FAQs

Frequently asked questions for the PickPack process

Nicholas Christou avatar
Written by Nicholas Christou
Updated over a week ago

Why is the Pick Pack Queue empty?

In a process run where there are no stockouts or any other exceptions, every order in the queue will be picked and sent to the ‘Sent to Warehouse’ dashboard. Use of the queue screen is primarily intended for review of orders to be sent before the process run or for handling exceptions afterward. If you need to review orders picked or outside of the days configured picking window, this can be done from the ‘Sent to Warehouse’ or ‘Orders Review’ dashboards respectively.

Why are row highlights changing?

The dashboard data and row highlight colours are only as up to date as the last refresh, so it is expected that the highlights will change when orders are taken off hold, stock outs occur, etc. Please keep screens refreshed to see the latest data.

Why are orders presented in ‘Sent to warehouse’ dashboard before data is transmitted?

In the context of the PickPack process, ‘Sent’ means that the stock has been allocated to the order and is staged for transmission (SendToWarehouse flag ticked). The actual transmission of the orders occurs when the SendToWarehouse flag is flipped off on this screen. Transmitted orders can be reviewed by checking the ‘NumOfTimes sent’ or “Date last sent’ fields.

When will data be transmitted?

Data for orders with ‘SendToWarehouse’ ticked will be sent on an automated schedule or can be sent manually using ‘Order Export’ from the menu.

Why was my order not picked when using Emergency processing?

Emergency processing can be invoked from the ‘Orders’ review screen, where it is possible to select orders where ‘ReadyToFulfil’ is not ticked. Please select this and save before attempting to run the emergency process since this is a requirement for the picking process in the system.

Why are orders not automatically staged for processing for EDI/DocStar? (ReadyToFulfill selected)

Once a live pickpack process is scheduled, orders entered into the system via automation will have ReadyToFulfill ticked by default. However, this will only apply to orders entered after the process is live, and not to pre-existing orders in the system. Orders without ReadyToFulfill selected can be reviewed and updated from the ‘Orders Review’ dashboard.

Why can I no longer modify an order?

Once stock for an order has been allocated and picked, this will lock the order from being modified. Closelines can still be performed via the stock out lines dashboard, however if any other modification does need to be performed, the following procedure can be applied:

· Emergency Unallocate from the SentToWhse screen to unpick the stock.

· Perform the modification as required.

· Select the order in either the Orders Review Screen or Queue screen and action with emergency allocate to reallocate the stock.

· After the Emergency Allocate run the “Send To Warehouse” Tick will be activated to send the order back again.

Why have orders not been picked?

Orders that are not picked are still visible in the PickPack Queue dashboard

Please consult the checklist below:

· Is the order within scope? (Visible in Queue)

· Is ReadyToFulfill ticked? (Check from the Pick Pack Orders Review dashboard)

· Is ReadyToFulfill ticked for all individual release lines (Check from Order Entry)

· Is the order on hold/credit hold? (Red highlight present in Queue dashboard)

· Is there an orderline out of stock? (Yellowhighlight in queue)

Why have orders not been transmitted to the warehouse?

Orders are picked but not transmitted if they have moved from the Queue -> Sent To Whse dashboard but NumOfTimes sent is 0

Please consult the checklist below:

· The automated transmission script has not run yet. (If required this can be run using order export menu item).

· The SendToWhse checkbox has been toggled off. (If the order is visible in the ‘SentToWhse’ queue this can be set back on from this dashboard.

· The order is on hold/credit hold. (Hold to be removed/credit override applied then order export can be rerun)

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