PickPack - Emergency Processing

Auto PickPack bypassing the scheduled process

Nicholas Christou avatar
Written by Nicholas Christou
Updated over a week ago

In cases where an order must be transmitted to the warehouse immediately for picking, without reliance on the PickPack queue, 'Emergency Processing' can be used. In some cases, stock required to fulfill these urgent orders may have already been allocated to a different order and transmitted to the warehouse for picking, in which case the 'Emergency Unallocation' will need to be used to free up stock in the system.

Emergency Unallocate

This process performs the following main functions:

  • Removes stock allocation from an order, making this available for allocation to another order instead

  • Moves the order from the 'Sent to Warehouse' dashboard back to the 'PickPack Queue' dashboard.

  • If not already transmitted to the warehouse, will uncheck the 'SendToWarehouse' box to prevent this from transmitting.

Please note: If the order has already been transmitted to the warehouse for picking ('SendToWarehouse' unchecked) then this process will not automatically inform the warehouse to stop the pick. Any Unallocation should have been agreed upon beforehand.

Steps to perform Emergency Unallocation:

  1. From the 'Sent to Warehouse' dashboard, select one or multiple orders to unallocate.

  2. Select actions and then 'Emergency Unallocate Stock for Selected'.

  3. When prompted, select OK if the unalloctions have been pre-agreed.

  4. A notification will be displayed with the number of orders processed (if any exceptions have occurred these will display in this window with the corresponding order number).

Upon successful completion of unallocation, a changelog will be written to each order for record keeping.

Video Example

Emergency Process

This process performs the following main functions:

  • Stock allocation for all order lines (debits the quantity available for picking)

  • Sets the orders 'SendToWarehouse' checkbox (transmission of data to warehouse)

  • Removes the order from the 'PickPack Queue' dashboard and moves to the 'Orders Sent to Warehouse' dashboard

Since this process bypasses the scheduled 'general process' and therefore the stock check, there may be cases in which there is not enough stock available for allocation. In this case, the unallocation process should be used first to free up available stock. The 'Stock Review Dashboard' can be used to check the available quantity for each part. Note: If using this process from the 'Orders Review' dashboard then ReadyToFulfill should be set first.

Steps to perform Emergency Processing:

  1. From the 'PickPack Queue' dashboard, select one or multiple orders to emergency process.

  2. Select actions and then 'Emergency Process Selected'.

  3. When prompted, select OK if there is enough stock available to complete the allocation.

  4. A notification will be displayed with the number of orders processed (if any exceptions have occurred these will display in this window with the corresponding order number).

    Upon successful completion of emergency processing, a changelog will be written to each order for record keeping.

Retransmit to warehouse

In some cases, it may be required that the order data needs to be retransmitted to the warehouse without reallocating the stock. In this case the 'SendToWarehouse' flag can be rechecked manually from the 'Sent to Warehouse' dashboard. Once this has been set, the order will either retransmit according to schedule or when the 'Order Export' function is manually invoked.

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