Receive EDI Receipt Advice

How to configure and import receipt advice edi messages (RECADV)

John Paul Gilmartin avatar
Written by John Paul Gilmartin
Updated over a week ago

How to Import an EDI Receipt Advice Message

  1. Ensure all configuration steps have been completed.

    1. Click here to review them.

  2. Confirm the Local Output Folder

  3. If FTP Active is false edi files should be present in this location.

  4. Submit to Task Schedule

    1. Run Now

    2. On a custom schedule created in the system agent

  5. Save to Task Agent

  6. Enable logging to trace/debug the process

    1. Enable LogFile - Turns logging on

    2. Enable Debug - Adds extra messaging to the log

    3. Task Log Info - Adds extra messaging to the system task log

    4. Max No. LogFiles - Removes the oldest files if max number of files reached

    5. Max Log File Size - Creates a new log file if max log size reached

    6. Max Log File Age - Removes log files that are older than the max log file age

    7. Alert Email Address(s) - Email address where process errors/alerts should be sent

How to manually create a customer shipment

When manually shipping, ensure the shipment UOM matches the UOM of the sales order. If the shipment UOM does not match the sales UOM the below error message will appear.

InventoryShipUOM:XX must match the salesUOM XX

  1. Requested Qty UOM

  2. Our Ship Qty UOM

Receipt Advice Edi Message Configuration

Create a new report (From Report Style Maintenance)

  1. Set the Report ID to RecAdv

  2. Set the description to EDI Receipt Advice

Create a new report style

  1. Note the style number of the new report style.

  2. Set the description to Inbound EDI RecAdv

  3. Set the report type to Custom Inbound EDI

  4. Set the data definition to OrderAck

  5. Select the Output EDI Plain Text

    1. Plain txt will create files with a .edi extension.

    2. XML files can be create by selecting this option.

Set the EDI Configuration (FTP Configuration)

  1. Set the FTP Hostname, Port, Protocol, Username and Password

  2. Set the FTP Active

    1. If FTP Active is set to false the file will be created but not uploaded to the FTP

  3. Set the Local Output Folder

    1. The folder should exist

  4. Set the Remote Ftp Folder

    1. The folder should exist

Create/Add a customer document

  1. Set the Document name to RECADV

  2. Select the Type to Advanced Shipping Notice

  3. Set the Map ID to JPGAL

  4. Set the Direction to Inbound

  5. Set the Inbound Document value

    1. Use the report style number created in the previous step.

  6. Set the Alt Trading Partner (GLN)

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