Overshipped & Undershipped Errors

How to fix Part Overshipped & Part Undershipped?

John Paul Gilmartin avatar
Written by John Paul Gilmartin
Updated over a week ago

Steps to take if an auto shipment fails

If a shipment fails with the error Over/Under shipped, it means that the shipment does not match the order.

  1. First confirm what the actual shipment quantities were.

    1. If the actual shipment was over/under the required quantity. The customer should be informed of the error.

    2. After the customer has been contacted, the order should be adjusted to match the shipment to allow for reprocessing.

    3. Uncheck shipment error and the shipment will process on the next import run.

  2. If the shipment was correct and it was just a file error.

    1. Request a corrected file from the warehouse. The previous auto shipment record should be deleted before the new file can be processed.

    2. Adjust the Auto Shipment Record. If the shipment needs to be processed urgently the auto shipment record can be adjusted via the steps below.

How to adjust the Auto Shipment Record

Confirm the shipment line(s) that need to be corrected and the values they should be. The example below is from the warehouse delivery note.

Open the Auto Shipment record and select the detail line that is not correct.

The example below shows NumOfCartons as 6 but the delivery note states 1.

After the NumOfCartons field has been corrected Uncheck the Shipment Error flag and the shipment will be processed on the next shipment cycle.

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